Originally 03/20/2009
Commitment is a big word, and it is a word to be taken seriously. When you think of your life; your life as a Christian (they should be one ofthe same) how would you rate your commitment to God? David states a very interesting thing in Psalm31:5 “Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.”
David acknowledges that he was bought with a price, because he was redeemed. What is David’s response to being redeemed? He committed his very soul to God. What have you and I committed to God, knowing we also were redeemed? Being redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ we ought to be committed to Him as we owe Jesus a lot of thankfulness. So, how will you and I express that commitment to our Lord and Savior this week or even today?