Originally posted 08/17/2010

Some say a sinner’s prayer to have a claim to a fire insurance policy.  They thought that a sinner’s prayer guaranteed them a place in heaven, because they had a fire insurance policy that protected them from a Devil’s Hell.  A prayer is not an automatic Fire or Hell Insurance Policy.  That insurance policy was paid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased that policy when He lived a sinless life, was crucified, and rose the third day from the dead. The policy has been pre-paid in full for you. To claim that policy you need:

*to understand you are a sinner (Romans 5:23) A sinner is someone who does wrong that God tells us not to do, or does not do what God tells us to do

*understand that your sin’s earnings is death (Romans 6:23)

*know that God loves you and bought your policy for you (Romans 5:8,John 1:29, John 3:16, and I John 2:2)

*confess the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9)

*turn away from your sins (Luke 12:3b,5b)

*And confess the Lord Jesus Christ to others and do His will (Matthew 7:21-23).

Unless you have the proper identification you can not redeem any insurance policy,and  the same is true with Christianity…without the proper identification in Christ, you can not redeem your Fire or Hell Insurance Policy that was paid in full over 2,000 years ago. So the question remains how is your Fire Insurance doing?