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The book “Whet” contains 49 devotionals to help pique your interest in the Scriptures. Each devotional includes the reference for the context of the Bible story as well as the key verse reference. Order your copy today!

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From devotions and God moments to little life lessons and peaks inside Tanya’s grace-filled home, read the blog that inspired the popular book “Whet”.

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Conferences from Whet are ones not to be missed! From great food to amazing devotions by your community and spiritual leaders, these are conferences that are sure to awaken your soul. 

From the Blog

Thank You

Created 7/30/2012 I have finally finished reading all the comments from the past month.  Thank you all for your kind comments.  Later this week, I plan on resuming writing on this blog. So, stay tuned more thoughts and nuggets.

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New Year’s Resolutions

Created 1/27/2009 How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions on this fine Tuesday morning?  Have you kept them, or have you since given up? Are you still searching for what you resolutions should be?  Scripture gives a great place to begin anew. Proverbs 6:...

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New Year’s … Again

Created 12/29/2015 Thanksgiving is a distant memory and the memories of Christmas cling for it's very life, all the while the New Year creeps and crawls closer with all of her expectations, hopes, and challenges. With the New Year just a few days off I wonder about...

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Love and Service

Created 3/9/2009 I was reading in Genesis 29 and something struck me about this word love.  In Genesis 29 we read that Jacob loved Rachel (verse 18) and was willing to work 7 years for her (verse 20).  The fact of the matter is that he ended up  working 14 years for...

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