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The book “Whet” contains 49 devotionals to help pique your interest in the Scriptures. Each devotional includes the reference for the context of the Bible story as well as the key verse reference. Order your copy today!

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From devotions and God moments to little life lessons and peaks inside Tanya’s grace-filled home, read the blog that inspired the popular book “Whet”.

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From the Blog

Evolution verses Intelligent Design

Originally posted 06/29/2009 In Genesis 1:1a we read "In the beginning God created"  This is so central to our faith that everything was created by God. Yet we live in a society that repeatedly says no He did not create it.  A society that loudly proclaims that...

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Holy Living

Originally posted 011/13/2009 With the first month of the New Year still in progress I am still on verse 1 of the Bible.  When I read the first verse: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."  I have to ask why did God create the heaven and...

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Originally posted 01/17/2009 Revelation 4:11 states "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."  One can then ask, was even evil created by God?  Yes! This is great...

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The Preparation of Heaven and Hell

Originally posted 06/12/2009 Why was heaven and hell created? Matthew 25:34 & 41 holds the answer (please take time to read the whole passage though Matthew 25:31-46).  Jesus says in Matthew 25:34 & 41 " Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,...

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