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The book “Whet” contains 49 devotionals to help pique your interest in the Scriptures. Each devotional includes the reference for the context of the Bible story as well as the key verse reference. Order your copy today!

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From devotions and God moments to little life lessons and peaks inside Tanya’s grace-filled home, read the blog that inspired the popular book “Whet”.

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From the Blog

The Giver of Eternal Life

Originally posted 05/09/2009 This week we have been looking into who Jesus is.  We will end this week with the fact that He is the giver of eternal life.  He is the giver of the enterance to heaven. Let's look at John 10:28 "And I give unto them eternal life; and they...

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Would I, Would You?

Originally posted 05/26/2009 Sometimes when I read the Holy Scriptures I ask myself, would I have done what the people did in that section of Scripture.  For example in Isaiah 6 we see the God calling Isaiah.  In Isaiah 6:8 it says "Also I heard the voice of the Lord,...

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John 3:16

Originally posted 05/29/2009 John 3:16 was memorized by many of us when we were younger, but what about I John 3:16? I John 3:16 states "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."...

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Originally posted 06/03/2009 At different seasons of our lives, different things are required of us.  As we saw in Luke 22:35 yesterday Jesus sent the disciples out on missions trips without a money bag, a food bag, or shoes. Now at a different season Jesus makes a...

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