Originally posted 06/29/2009

In Genesis 1:1a we read “In the beginning God created”  This is so central to our faith that everything was created by God. Yet we live in a society that repeatedly says no He did not create it.  A society that loudly proclaims that evolution provided a mechanism of change and the survival of the fittest.  Is it no wonder then that schools and higher education institutions around our country loudly proclaim that evolution is the answer?  This is the one place that the masses can be indoctrinated in a creed that is antithetical to the Christian faith. When will we as Christians say “the Bible Says it, therefore I believe it? And if I believe it, I can live it and also be free to research it and defend it?”  Why do we; who have the truth, keep silent about it?  I do not know, but I do know God created the world…His Word tells me so.

For those of you desiring more information on the subject, there are some of the many resources you can turn to:

www.icr.org a website dedicated to creation research.  They have some very interesting stuff, that shows you do not have to leave your brains at the door to have faith.

Expelled the DVD staring Ben Stein available for rental at some redbox locations.  www.redbox.com will show you the availability

Scientific Facts in the Bible & Evolution the Fairy Tale for Grown Ups both available through www.livingwaters.com