Running from God (Part 3)

God pursues us when we run from Him, because He loves us. In Jonah 1:4 we see God pursuing Jonah after he paid the fare to board a ship to run away from the presence of God. God brought a storm upon the waters in which the ship was in, trying to help Jonah to repent...

Running from God (Part 2)

Jonah 1:3 is very interesting. While Jonah was running from God he decided to travel in the opposite direction of where God told him to go. In this verse we see that it cost Him to run from God. Look closely, Scripture states that he paid the fare to get on the ship...

Running from God (Part 1)

For this mini series we will look at the book of Jonah chapter 1. So, dust off that Bible and read that short chapter and we will get into the discussion. Starting in verses 1 through 3 we see that the Word of the Lord came to Jonah and his response was to arise and...

Peace and War

It seems though no matter which way we turn: tv, radio, social media, or evenin  the grocery store or in our own homes, there is someone who wants war. Take a look at Psalm 120:5-7 and read it carefully before continuing. Opposition seems to abound, yet it seems...

Provide a Way

Today’s text is Colossians 4:3-4, please take the time to read it before going any further. Did you catch what was asked for? Prayers and opportunities to share the good news of Christ. How often do we neglect asking our faith communities to pray for us that God would...